Top 5 Web Development Trends For 2022


Rajeeb Ahmed Khan

Top 5 Web Development Trends For 2024

30 Jul 2022

Top 5 Web Development Trends For 2024

Humans discover new innovative ways, doing things faster and with more flair than ever before. Few industries have as much innovation as web development.
Professional website development companies in India are always looking for new technologies to propel businesses to a brighter future. Many businesses find it challenging to keep up with these developments. Fortunately, MySearch Global Rewards have identified a few key trends that will be significant in 2024 and beyond.

The following are the top 5 web development trends for 2024:

Dark Mode

Google, Reddit, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter were among the first to use Dark Mode, and it is expected to be one of the top emerging technologies in 2024.

The dark mode experience is gaining popularity worldwide and will continue to do so in the coming years. The dark mode is easier on the eyes and more user-friendly. It performs better in daylight, reducing eye strain and making it more user-friendly. Battery drain is reduced because dark-themed websites do not require brightness. They have a stylish UI design in addition to many other appealing features.

Voice Search Optimization

Voice Search has grown in popularity since the introduction of Google Assistant, Apple Siri, and Amazon Alexa. We are now using voice commands - not only for search but also to operate home appliances such as music systems and televisions - straight out of our childhood sci-fi movies.
As 82 percent of smartphone users use voice-activated technology, voice technology is playing a critical role in fueling aided commerce growth. It is safe to say that voice recognition is a growing trend that should be used to improve reachability and user experience. This popular feature can be implemented by approaching low-cost website development companies.


a.    Voice Search responds quickly to questions from users. Assume you own a technology firm and a user searches for something related on a search engine. If your website is optimized for voice search and you have a ready response to that query, the prepared response may appear in the answer box on the first page of SERPs alongside your website URL.

b.    The search algorithm creates a featured snippet, also known as an answer box, for the search query related to your website while optimizing it for voice search. This is the specific search result that appears at the top of the Google Search Result Page. It gives your company more brand exposure and recognition on the internet.

c.    Voice Search employs complete, contextual, and grammatically correct sentences.

Augmented Reality

Augmented reality is enjoyed by all users. In less than a century, AR has progressed from a dream to a reality, so it won't be long before AR is integrated into daily life to improve productivity and efficiency.

The advancement of technology does not stop with the general public. Another important segment is manufacturers and smart cities. Remote assistance can be provided in real-time by utilizing AR technologies. This enables better inspection, maintenance, and technical support. AR technologies like navigation and urban planning are also part of smart city solutions.

In our 2024 augmented reality technology guide, we'll talk more about these groundbreaking and advancing technologies.

Augmented reality has many applications in various industries. One of the most useful ways to distinguish augmented reality technologies is through the hardware used as the platform. In general, these are mobile devices, smart glasses, head-mounted displays, and web-based augmented reality for desktop and mobile devices.

Progressive Web Apps

A progressive web application combines the best of web and mobile apps by utilizing cutting-edge technologies. Consider it a website built with web technologies that act and feel like an app. The recent browser and service worker advancements, as well as advancements in the Cache and Push APIs, have enabled web developers to allow users to install web apps to their home screen, receive push notifications, and even work offline.

When compared to a native app in the respective app stores, progressive web apps benefit from the much larger web ecosystem, plugins, and community, as well as the relative ease of deploying and maintaining a website. Those of you who work on both mobile and web will find this useful.

Accelerated Mobile Pages(AMP)

"A better user experience results from fast-loading mobile pages combined with mobile-optimized content."

Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) is an open-source project developed by Google and Twitter that allows business owners to create faster, high-performing web pages with increased mobile visibility and improved SEO. It's a small HTML page that loads quickly on mobile devices across all platforms. It enables the development of websites that leverage the power of 'Google Mobile First Indexing,' which improves website performance for mobile users and provides a smooth browsing experience.

MSGR, as a Professional Website Development Company in India and a top 10 web designing and development company in Trivandrum, now provides low-cost website development in Kerala that are becoming more and more like your best and most diligent salesmen; devoted, performing multiple tasks, and always laser-focused on your primary concern. Anyone can create a website; however, we create websites that connect with their visitors, instantly strengthen validity, communicate set up information to target groups, and finally convert clients into clients.

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