How to get blue tick verification on Instagram easily in 2022,with steps


Nowfal P Sulaiman

How to get blue tick verification on Instagram easily in 2022,with steps

21 Feb 2022

How to get blue tick verification on Instagram

Blue Tick speaks

Gain Verified Badge on Instagram!

A Verified Account on Instagram tells the world, “Here is someone you can trust, and follow”.

Verified Accounts are considered trustworthy and they have a remarkably higher engagement rate.

You will top the list in search results on Instagram.

Worth a try. Isn't it?

To get verified, number of followers, may or may not be relevant.

But, your public image definitely counts

If you are curious to know more, this Article is for you

Guidelines to Apply


Process of application is a cakewalk, getting approved is not!

Your credibility and public image are vital parameters!

Virtual world is a World of Possibilities and Opportunities. Unfortunately, it's a world of fakes too.

Are you real?


A registered Business Establishment, a genuine individual or a Public Figure is eligible to apply. Your ID Proofs and Business Documents must be intact.

Individuals with multiple accounts are not entertained.

The Account should contain your bio and profile picture. You can apply for verification even on the day of signup.

?The process

Go to your Profile Page on Instagram App,

tap on the 3 lines (Hamburger Icon) on the top right corner & select Settings.

In the bottom, there is the option to Request Verification.

Required Data

1.Full Name or Business Name with supporting documents


Industry Category, target audience and brand identity or brand names.

3.Links to other social media accounts if you have any.

It's recommended to provide links to significant press releases, news and websites.

Instagram will respond within 30 days of Submission.

If you are eligible, the Verification Badge will be provided shortly.

Continue reading and gain more insight!

Few Tips

Verification Badge is valuable. But you can't buy one!

You need genuine and real followers.

Content is the King

Be a responsible user.

Use winning hashtags and make sure the contents are shareable.

Make your Profile authentic and impressive.

Photo and External Links must be genuine and relevant.

It is better to add, an option to communicate with your business and a CTA (Call to Action).

You are supposed to obey all laws and respect the people on Instagram.

Niche plays the key role. Be physically and mentally involved and support related projects.

Becoming a public figure is not easy.

A PR Agency or even a journalist may be able to guide.

You will be noticed by the media,

and it may help you impress the Instagram Verification Team.

What if your application is not accepted?

1.Go through the verification requirements again.

2.Check your business documents.

3.Cross-check your profile with the verified profiles on Instagram. It will help you evaluate how perfect you are.

4.Check if Google can find the brand somewhere, other than on your own website.

5.Try again

After 30 days you can apply again.

Now there is enough time for research and homework. Use the time wisely!

What if you don't qualify for the Blue Check? It's not the end.

Here are other ways to prove your credibility.

Link the Instagram Account to other social media platforms and YouTube channel, if you have one.

Videos on "behind the scenes in business" will gain trust and followers. Instagram is a wonderful platform to establish your brand.


genuine followers are your real friends for a lifetime.

Be loyal to them. Loyalty pays!

Loyalty pays!

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